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Joint work between SAA and FESAAL

The Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation -FESAAL- and the Society of Audiovisual Authors -SAA- have decided to develop a joint framework. Nowadays, the technical specialists and members of the Boards of both entities are working on a cooperation program concerning the recognition and safeguarding of authors’ rights belonging to Audiovisual Authors from around the world.

FESAAL is a federation that groups management collection societies of authors’ rights concerning both, Audiovisual Authors and Authors of theatrical works. Founded in December 2018, its main purpose is the technical, logistical and financial support to Latin American Authors’ societies for the recognition of their rights by the governments and laws of their countries, in the defense of authors’ rights.

SAA is the association of European management collection societies of authors’ rights regarding Audiovisual Directors and Screenwriters. With twelve years of existence, it represents creators from 25 countries in Europe, providing technical and financial support for the management of a fair and equitable author’s right.

(c) Maxime Faury

During these days, a meeting of the Executive Council and the Legal and Technical Committee of AVACI – Audiovisual Authors International Confederation – is being held at the offices of AIPA – the Slovenian society for the management of audiovisual authors’ rights, member of SAA - in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The President of SAA, Barbara Hayes, and its Executive Director, Cécile Despringre, travelled on behalf of SAA to this meeting of authorities from management societies, federation and confederations from the entire world.

The cooperation and mutual support between the entity representing the interests of Latin American Audiovisual Authors and its European peer is a clear significant step towards the recognition of the rights of creators from both continents.


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